In reading Indonesian words, you need to break down the words based on the sound of each syllable that forms the word. This method will ease you in reading any word.
Dispart a word based on the sound of syllables are great to train your speaking in Bahasa Indonesia. It will ease you in determining how a word should be read.
The way to dispart Indonesian words is actually totally easy. Once you are familiar with this method, you will be able to dispart any word into syllables you want to say. Meaning that you will be able to say any Indonesian word. Take a look on table containing some examples below.
Word | Syllable | Meaning |
Aku | a - ku | I / me |
Makan | ma - kan | Eat / to eat |
Minum | mi - num | Drink / to drink |
Tidur | ti - dur | Sleep |
Duduk | du - duk | Sit |
Membaca | mem - ba - ca | Read |
Bertanggungjawab | ber - tang - gung - ja - wab | To be responsible |
Mempertanggungjawabkan | mem - per - tang - gung - ja - wab - kan | Account for |
To master this course, you need to be familiar with prefix and suffix in Bahasa Indonesia. Once you are familiar with prefix and suffix, it must be easier to read any word. In breaking any word into syllable, prefix and affix should be in one syllable. Let’s check the following examples.
Root | Affix | Suffix | Syllable | Meaning |
men_ | Jalan | _kan | men - ja - lan - jan | To run / to perform |
me_ | Laksana | _kan | me - lak - sa - na - kan | Implement |
mem_ & per_ | Taruh | _kan | mem - per - ta - ruh - kan | Stake |
mem_ | Beli | _kan | mem - be - li - kan | Buy for |
men_ | Jual | _kan | * men - ju - wal - kan | Trade off |