Book a Hotel in Bahasa Indonesia

Before you sit on your plane which is going to fly to Indonesia, hotel might be the one you think of. In this article, I would provide some expressions in Bahasa Indonesia which are useful when you want to book a hotel.

Reserve Your Hotel Room - Englinesian
English Indonesia
I want to reserve a room Saya ingin memesan satu kamar
How much should I pay for all? Berapa total harganya?
I want single/double/twin bed room Saya ingin kamar single/double/twin bed
How much should I pay for a night? Berapa harga satu malam?
Is there still empty room? Apakah ada kamar kosong?
Do you accept payment in dollar? Apakah anda menerima pembayaran dengan dollar?
Is there additional cost I should pay? Apakah ada biaya tambahan yang harus saya bayar?
Can I have extra bed? Bisakah saya meminta extra bed?

Those expressions are the basic that you will need and can be used wherever in Indonesia. In order to be clear, make sure you have understood the way Indonesian words are pronounced. This has been discussed under “resources” in this web.

Expressions on table above are not only useful when you want to reserve a hotel room. If you are backpacker who are in a budget and you prefer to stay in boarding house, you can also use those expressions.

If you have booked your hotel room from your country and you do not need those expressions, then these might be usable.

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