Verb | Contoh | Example |
Makan | Saya makan mangga | I eat manggo |
Baca | Saya membaca buku | I read book |
Nonton | Kami menonton televisi | We watch television |
Main | Saya bermain gim | I play game |
Tulis | Dia menulis surat elektronik (surel) | He/she writes electronic mail (email) |
Mencintai | Dia mencintai keluarganya | She loves his family |
Lari | Dia berlari kencang | He runs fast |
Masak | Mereka memasak nasi | They cook rice |
Siram | Petani menyirami tanamannya | The farmer waters his plants |
Based on examples provided on the table above, it can be inferred that active verb is a verb whose subject acts as the actor. Generally, active verbs usually have prefix me- and ber-. However, actove verbs can also exist without prefixes.